The Melkite Musings Project is an independent platform aimed at promoting knowledge and love of the Catholic Church.
It relies on the gift of the word to explore topics such as history, liturgy and modern events.
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The double "M" symbols stand for Melkite Musings, with the ink blot representing our mission of writing. The Black and Red colours of the letters represent the encounter of the soul's asceticism (black) with the sanctifying Blood of Christ (red). They are joined in a holiness (white) that remains rooted, though imperfectly as the circles are, in the life-giving sacrifice of Christ (red) in the background represent Purity and Sacrifice respectively.
"Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God" (Matthew 5:8)
This page is under the patronage of
Venerable Fr. Bechara Abou Mrad