The original article in Arabic was written by Father Romanos (Bachir) Al-Osta, Archon Protopsaltis of the Melkite Catholic Antiochian See. It is translated, with permission, by Melkite Musings.
As Archon Protopsaltis, Fr. Romanos is the Head of the First Cantors of the entire Melkite Church. In other words, he is the Chief Cantor of the global Melkite Catholic Church. He has founded several schools of chant in Lebanon, including the Patriarchal Choir of St. Stephanos the Melode, and he has recently founded a new school in Australia where he was transferred earlier this year.
He works tirelessly on reinvigorating and developing the rich tradition of Byzantine Chant within the Melkite tradition. Besides his personal work in Cantoring and Musical Writing, he works with numerous other skilled cantors on forming the laity's knowledge and mastery of Byzantine Chant, with the goal of having a qualified choir in every Melkite parish.